Friday Finds

- Liticism did a pretty brilliant interview with Krissy Kneen discussing her new novel Steeplechase (which I am dying to read) and breaking down the difference between literary sex scenes, erotica and porn.

- The Alternative Typewriter is doing a great series on women in genre fiction which is defs worth checking out. It's an interesting list, full of international authors and some pretty special local ones.

- AustLit has a really good round-up of the literary award shortlists announced this week. (There's so many!)

- Flavorwire is continuing its bid to become my favourite book list website by compiling a list of 21 books written by and about women that every man should read after GQ‘s “The New Canon: The 21 Books from the 21st Century Every Man Should Read,” was published, containing three books written by women.
Check out the superior list here.

- Check out 9 of the most fascinating abandoned mansions from around the world. They're all pretty creepy/beautiful, but there's something particularly chilling about Halcyon Hall.

- Guess these famous books by their second lines! (warning: very old American skewed. I got five out of thirteen which is a little tragic). 

- And these 15 amazing book-filled bars to get drunk in. I'm sorely disappointed by the lack of an Australian one, but it's certainly left me with a few places to add to my New York fantasy trip list.

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