Lessons in Crochet

A photo posted by Sophie Overett (@sophieoverett) on
One of my 24 before 25 goals was to learn how to crochet. I took the first step in that last night by attending a class care of Laneway Learning in Brisbane.

It's hard to say why crochet appealed to me. On a surface level, it's really about developing a new skill and having something to pass on. To share with my family, my friends, and the future of them both. It's about being able to make something out of a couple of twists of yarn and a shining hook. I love that. Love the strange, practical poetry of it.

On a deeper level it's harder to talk about. I don't suffer from anxiety - in that way I'm very lucky - but I do suffer from restlessness. I find it very, very hard to relax. My body might yearn to curl up on a couch somewhere, but my mind's always racing, thinking of things I can do, things I can do better, how I can be more, to more people, and that's a pretty exhausting way to be.

The idea of crochet as something that forced me to stop, that required my full attention for a bit over an hour was kind of amazing for that. To have my hands and head occupied around this little weave was refreshing and, at times, pretty frustrating. I made the hilarious little bit of knit you can see above before my friend and I gave up on it and just made braided friendship bracelets which, y'know. Winning.

Anyway, I'm planning on keeping up with it. Who knows, maybe one day I'll manage the double crochet stitch.

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