Friday Finds

 - During the course of the week, I found two awesome articles pairing alcoholic drinks with classic novels, and the whole thing has resulted in me and a few friends starting up our own bookclub, Classics & Cocktails. We're running it the first Sunday of the month with the first one being The Great Gatsby and a French 75. I'm thinking I might blog about this here, mostly for the pure hilarity of the thing. If you're wondering about the two articles, you can check them out here and here.

- James Scott Bell has written an awesome post on how to write a novella. As someone currently writing a triptych of the suckers, this was supremely helpful and insightful.

- There's a great post over on LipMag about Robyn Lawley, an Australian model who has just received the job of being Ralph Lauren's first plus-side rep. Woman is gorgeous, plus her tumblr, Robyn Lawley Eats, is basically the best. On the LipMag front too, my new Small Screen Sirens column is up. It's on HBO's Girls and you can check it out over here.

- On a totally far removed note, MTV Geek put up an interesting theory asking whether hunky guys are being sexually objectified in today's superhero films and is that, necessarily, a bad thing?

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