'The Girl With All the Gifts' by M. R. Carey (46/52)

Melanie gets wheeled to class every day, chained to a chair. They have new teachers, but Miss Justineau's her favourite. Miss Justineau treats them like people. Brings them things from the outside world. Melanie and Miss Justineau don't know that their world is about to implode.

This book ticked a lot of my boxes - zombies! Female relationships! Uprisings! So it's disappointing that I didn't engage with it more. It's not that it's poorly written - it's very well written. With firm characterisations, some lovely imagery and a brisk pace to it. It's just that it also fell into so many tropes. The good teacher. The golden girl. The brutish military man with a heart of gold. The heartless scientist. There was the occasional twist on these tropes - and on the zombie genre - but none of it felt life altering or like something I hadn't read before. It was a good read, just not a great one.

3 out of 5 feral zombie children.

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