'Vampire Academy' by Richelle Mead (38/52)

Rose and Lissa are on the run when the guardians finally catch up with them. Restrained and taken back to the St. Vladimir's Academy where it's revealed that Lissa is a moroi princess and Rose is her dhampir guardian, bound to protect her against the evil strigoi who would see her dead.

I love YA, and haven't read enough of it this year, so it was kind of fun to chill out with this one. It's sassy, sweet, with a strong female friendship at the core of it which I always appreciate. The romances feel relatively organic too, and it's nice to see them blossom in ways you don't expect and some ways you totally do. The dialogue is snappy, the characterisations arcing well and all in all, it's pretty compelling. It does though delve into some mean territories though which I didn't love - Rose could be pretty nasty, and there were some scenes which I felt both undermined the story and the characterisation. It also had a pretty terrible copy edit, which isn't great coming from a big 5 publisher.

3 out of 5 flirty hair flips.

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