Friday Finds

I got to have a pretty long long weekend this week, taking from Saturday to Wednesday off, and it was great to be able to catch-up on a few things, especially getting my new house together and moving my cats in (they'd been at my dad's so as not to get underfoot or panicked during the move). They settled in wonderfully, which is pretty great. I mean, look at these guys.

This weekend, I want to catch up on some reading. I've also got a birthday or two and will be listening to some awesome readings at Whispers tomorrow which will be pretty darn great too.

How about you though? What are you up to this weekend?


The Australian Japanese Film Festival program is out! Pretty sure I'm going to need a five-film pass this year. There's so many great films screening.

32 horror movies that aren't about women being sex-murdered. 


As stress has been pretty high the last few weeks, I've really been getting through it by inhaling The Vampire Academy books. I'm up to the third in the series, Shadow Kiss, and it's kind of bad but also amazing.

So, it's not really reading, or at least not serious reading, but the latest installment of art commentary at The Toast is Women Dancing Miserably in Western Art and that is the straight up best.

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