The Owlish Guide to National Young Writers Festival

It's that time of year again! I'm pretty stoked. This will not only be my third NYWF but the first time I've gone not-working, which gives me a ton of feels.It's also an awesome program, which is DOUBLY exciting. I'm looking forward to heading down.

Comic Jam
Live comic drawing!

Launch Orgy
This is always ridiculously fun. Getting a ton of journals together to launch in quick succession is a pretty awesome brainchild and seeing how they choose to do so leads to some diverse (and diversely awesome) results.

So, You've Published a Book
There tends to be a lot of focus at festivals on getting your book published, and not a lot of what comes after it, so this is a pretty interesting take on it and should be worth checking out!

History Chicks
Passionate lady literary historians!

Drawing for Writers, Writing for Drawers
Cross-disciplinary fun! I'm a bit of an avid drawer, and even more of an avid writer, so these two meeting in the middle seems like a good time.

NYWF Trivia
Trivia is always a highlight at a festival, and gives you the opportunity to switch up your brain power from super-learny-absorby to utilising the knowledge you've already got stored up there.

Dark & Dirty
The bad guys of lit with some of the best guys of crime.

Mandatory Attention: the State of Immigration in Australia Today
This is such an interesting topic and a topical issue, so I look forward to seeing the conversation opened up at the festival in (hopefully!) a compelling and informative way.

Funny Ladies
Funny ladies!

Everything You Wanted to Know about Design
Design's another interesting topic to take centre-stage at a festival, but it totally makes sense for one that found it's footing with zine fairs and alternate platforms.

New Storytelling
Another interesting one! With more and more modes and platforms opening up for narratives, understanding them is key to making your work accessible.

Slacktivism vs Street Protests: the future of civil disobedience 
Again, this is a really topical issue and one that inspires a pretty diverse range of responses. Hopefully these'll be argued and articulated here!

NYWF Intergalactic Ball
Yes please!

Zine Fair
The zine fair is one of those events that is so entwined with the festival now, it's hard to imagine not going to it. Besides, it's a great opportunity to check out some of the brilliant Australian talent on show.

Cultural Hierarchies in Music
I did a unit on rock in film back at university, and I'm really fascinated by the ways its utilised and the snobbery that can accompany different types of music, so this panel is a must-see.

What's So Great about the Novel?
The best and the worst of it, the limitations and the boundlessness.

Why YA
I'm an avid reader of young adult fiction and, in the last two years, have found myself an avid writer of it too. This one should be good!

The whole program's pretty terrific (particularly if you're into poetry!) and you should check it out.

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