But we're living inside (July mixtape)

Monthlies: July by Sophie Overett on Grooveshark

(Haha, I meant to post this yesterday, but had a fail, soooo, Tuesday night mixtape?)

It was such a cold July. It probably doesn't help that I did things that made that a more realised thing - garage sales and gardening and long rides on the Brisbane ferry. I'm not exactly built for winter - a natural teeth chatterer, so I'm excited to see spring unwinding in force over the last couple of days.

Brisbane seemed to recover from winter pretty quickly too. I mean, it always does. Brisbane's typically ten months summer, two winter (with spring and autumn lasting days between), but this year as a whole seems to be slipping right by me. Like time is something at the corner of my eye and never really in front of it. It's a strange sensation, but not an entirely bad one.

I can't say that August will be much better. It's a monster of a month, between exciting new QWC projects, festival season and moving house somewhere in the middle of it all, I'm trying to prepare myself by sleeping more and giving myself time out when I can. So far, it's working. So far.

What about you though? What do you have planned for August?

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