So we made it! It's the new year, which is pretty crazy and pretty awesome. 2013 was a long and hard and good year for me and I'm excited to see it come to an end and hopefully unfold into something a little better and a little less turbulent.

I'm trying not to look back at 2013 too much, so, hey! Let's look to the new year with 14 resolutions to drive me forwards.

14 Resolutions for 2014

  1. Read a book a week for a year and review them. I was reading about three books a month in 2013 anyway, so this shouldn't be too much of a stretch. Plus, y'know, I love talking about books in real time, so there's no reason transferring that conversation here can't be a good one.  
  2. Get at least one short story or non-fiction piece a month published + stop submitting to non-paying markets.
  3. Blog more! 
  4. Travel more - make at least two interstate trips and one overseas one. Probably New South Wales and Victoria for the interstate and (hopefully!) either the United States or South East Asia for the overseas one. Just got to work on my savings!
  5. Go to the gym three times a week. Swim. Yoga. Pilates.
  6. Hang out with friends more. This one sounds pretty vague, but I swear it's not! I got so swept up in work in 2013 that I seriously neglected some of the people that I love the most. I really want to remedy this in the new year. 
  7. Get better at texting people back. Haha, I am the worst at this one.
  8. Take advantage of more opportunities for professional development - particularly paid ones and internships over volunteering for PD.
  9. Volunteer more for charities and not-for-profits. I used to do this a lot and it's another one of those things that fell off my radar in 2013, much to my own disappointment. 
  10. Be able to have a conversation in Spanish. I've been learning it in a bit of an ad hoc way over 2013, and I'd love to streamline it and have a working knowledge of the language.
SO, these last four are going to be project-related / writing goals, so feel free to just check in at the end of the year to see if I've managed to keep them!
  1.  Finish Lost Girls and submit to publishers. This is the short story collection and is SO CLOSE. I love it so far and think that it could be almost good to go.
  2. Plot and finish the Homebodies screenplay.
  3. Finish Selenography, the YA werewolf novel, and submit to Text.
  4. Finish The Rabbits and take it to the Tin House writing workshop in the States.
And that's it! How about you? Are you taking any goals into the new year and giving yourself some deadlines?

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